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The ART Sync Gen is a simple to use and inexpensive way to improve the performance of your digital recording equipment while eliminating seemingly random pops and clicks that result from synchronization timing errors in recording systems.A word-clock generator will centralize all of the timing of various pieces of digital equipment, reducing accumulated timing errors between the individual units that make up a digital recording chain. Designed for maximum versatility, the ART SyncGen will provide stable, sample accurate time based reference and can connect to digital audio equipment with either BNC word-clock or coaxial S/PDIF inputs.The ART SyncGen also acts as a system tester by confirming status of BNC word-clock cables and terminations and can verify which pieces of gear are internally terminated. The ART SyncGen will also test proper cable connections to ensure total system accuracy.

Backline Srl
Via Calabria 3
20158 Milano
Phone +39 02 82396445

P.I. 12491290156


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